Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wild life and landscape – Trip part two

We passed many tanks, paddy fields and forests in our way to Polonnaruwa.
In between Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura there is a reserve forest of a tank and it is famous for elephant watching. We were passing it in our way to Anuradhapura when suddenly a lone elephant showed up from the forest and walked along the road for some distance and disappeared in to the forest again. We were excited and clicking photos and shouting at same timeJ. It was a nice little surprise visit.

Passing forest …

The tanks … with water lilies and cool breeze…


These are few shots of paddy fields I managed in moving vehicle.

More ruins and stone work to come … 


  1. Elephant on the road? Amazing! Are these wild elephants? Are they peaceful or dangerous? o_O
    Beautiful landscapes show in your photographs... Is there hot weather?
    Well I'll be waiting for the next part of the trip : )


    1. Yes they are wild elephants, live freely in large forests. If they are provoked they can be dangers otherwise peaceful. Yes mostly hot weather between 75 F and 95 F. There are two main zones as Dry zone and Wet zone. These cities are in Dry zone, they get rain fall about three months a year. That is why there are many tanks which store the water for agricultural needs. Wet zone has year-round rain fall and hill country temperatures can drop to 40 F at January. At whole it is tropical weather… Take care. :) I'll try to post Part 3 as soon as possible.
